

For many couples, becoming pregnant isn’t something that just happens whenever they’re ready to start a family. Equally as frustrating is that the most common cause of subfertility and miscarriage is “unexplained,” meaning that, after running the full gamut of tests on both partners, doctors can’t identify a specific reason for it.

This leaves couples feeling hopeless, and oftentimes pressures them to pursue ART/IVF treatments right away. The good news is that, subfertility of this kind is a symptom alerting us that something in the body is out of balance, and it often can be restored by understanding and addressing the underlying causes.

Once structural problems and other advanced factors have been ruled out, there are both male and female factors to consider. People often assume subfertility is more of a female problem, but this is true much less often than you’d think.

At Cloverlea, we assess and test for a number of factors that are stressors on the body that could impact its ability to produce healthy sperm and eggs, conceive, and carry a baby to term. After ascertaining key contributing factors, we recommend natural interventions that are designed to restore normal, healthy physiology and reproductive function.

We also know that time, energy, and finances are limited resources for couples struggling to conceive. We know when we can help you and when we need to refer out appropriately. Our goal is the same as yours: to help you get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Pre-conception Planning

Your nutritional status and overall quality of health prior to conceiving has a lasting effect on the health of your child. It directly impacts the quality of egg and sperm that will unite to form the baby. Once pregnant, it also influences proper development and function of the baby’s brain and vital organs, the immune system, cognitive function, behavior and temperament, and – wildly – the health of their future offspring. By correcting nutritional deficiencies and remedying inflammatory factors in anticipation of getting pregnant, not only are you giving your child the best start possible, but this also helps facilitate conception and a healthy pregnancy for the mother.

If you are an IVF candidate or freezing your eggs, this is even more important. During this process, your body is pushed to produce more eggs in one sitting than you usually produce in one year. All the more reason to optimize nutrient levels and prepare your body prior to retrieval. The egg and sperm that are chosen at conception (or fertilization or freezing) have been growing and maturing with the nutrients and environmental conditions available to them for the 100 days prior to the big day. Giving yourself at least three months to nourish and enhance your cells ahead of conception or retrieval ensures the best genetic information is being passed along to your baby.  

If you are considering getting pregnant, even in the absence of fertility issues, properly nourishing your body ahead of time is the best gift you can give yourself and your baby.

To find out more about what we do at Cloverlea, schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.


Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
— Lao Tzu
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